One of our littlest patients arrived in our office on May 4.
Prior to her arrival in our office her mother wrote to me… “I am reaching out to you because I have a close friend who raves about chiropractic care and the wonders it has done for her and her young children, and I’m hoping you will be able to help my daughter as well.
My daughter Adelyn is 6 months old and was recently diagnosed with a brain disorder affecting the white matter after being admitted to the hospital for seizures. As a result of her brain abnormality, she has low muscle tone, spasticity, and delayed fine and gross motor skills. We have already seen great improvements in her after beginning physical and occupational therapy, and I believe chiropractic care would make the perfect complete circle of her care and help her tremendously.”
Little did we know 4 weeks ago the changes that would take place not only with Adelyn, but with us. We have fallen in love. In just four short weeks Adelyn has transformed into a chatty, smiling, laughing little girl. After her initial assessment with Dr. Jennifer Baird, Doctor of Chiropractic and Dr. Malgorzata Booth, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and licensed acupuncturist, it was determined that the most important goal was improving Adelyn’s nutrition. Dr Baird took a backseat to our acupuncturist who would use her tiny needles to stimulate Adelyn’s digestive system. For those of you who have not had the pleasure to meet Dr. Booth, she is a native of Poland and has the most beautiful accent… one that Adelyn adores. Adelyn lights up a room when Dr. Booth talks with her. It is amazing! So of course Adelyn looks forward to having needles in her for several minutes at a time. And bingo… reflux is resolved and Adelyn is now eating solid foods.
The past four weeks have been very positive for our #1 patient. Through acupuncture we have improved her digestive system and she is sleeping better. Her mom, Susan, has also noticed that she is a much “happier child” now. I would be remiss if I did not mention the great strides her physical therapist and occupational therapist are making… Adelyn is getting stronger every day and is almost rolling over.
In my last blog I wrote “that is our business, it is not just adjusting spines and eliminating pain… it is helping people be the best athlete, the best mother/father, the best teacher, the best musician, the best You, you can be!” That is our ultimate goal with Adelyn and her mother, Susan. We want Adelyn to be the best little girl she can possibly be despite the challenges God has chosen for her and the same for her heroic and strong mom. If we can provide just one hour each week of total calmness, encouragement and hope for this family then we have met our goal. We don’t know what the future holds for little Miss Adelyn, but we do know that we will be there beside her, her parents and the rest of Adelyn’s Tribe to help her be the best she can be!
If you are interested in learning more about Adelyn’s Tribe and the exciting news about her service dog, please visit:
We look forward to sharing Adelyn’s story and her smiles and laughs along the way!
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