WEEKEND WINDUP August 11, 2017
We are excited to announce the arrival of Jameson Gregory to the world. Jameson was born this past Wednesday and is 7lb 14 oz and 21 inches long. The proud parents are Krista Gregory, our Falls Church Office Manager, and John Gregory. Mom and baby are doing wonderful. We are very excited for Krista and John as they begin their journey as parents. Krista plans to return to work early winter.
Krista was able to work up until the day she gave birth which is amazing. She attributes this to the fact that she listened to her body and received therapy as needed for back pain, inflammation/swelling and difficulty sleeping. United Wellness & Sports Rehab offers a wide range of services for mothers and babies. Krista was able to get chiropractic care and physical therapy throughout her pregnancy. Dr Jennifer Baird is trained extensively in caring for women throughout their pregnancies. Dr Baird is a new mother herself, which always helps when a patient is explaining their pains, discomforts, etc. We also offer prenatal massage and acupuncture.
Additionally, our littlest patients get amazing results from chiropractic, acupuncture and infant massage. Our doctors and clinicians are available to talk with you regarding how these treatments can help your little one with fussiness, colic, and many more common issues facing parents with young children.
Again, congrats to one of our team members, Krista Gregory, on the birth of her precious baby boy!
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